Tuesday, 31 December 2013

My Summer Holiday...

Hello my friends, I hope you are all doing fantastic. My summer holiday feels like a distant dream from far, far away, and my busy lifestyle takes over slowly but surely. This post was intended to be here, early September, sorry, I know it’s quite later then that, but I thought you may still would like to know a bit from my crafty shopping and tails from my summer holiday in Brazil.

I brought back with me some lovely crafty stuff and lots of ideas for new projects in my suitcase. I have so many ideas that my brain is going to melt down one of these days from exhaustion.  If one day I manage to do all the projects I have in mind, I will be crocheting, sewing, card making,  etc... for a decade at least, non stop… I don’t mind though. I just need the day to be 48 hours and an extra pair of hands may be handy as well.

 I don’t know about you, but I'm not very keen on purchasing my crafty things online, or any other stuff as a matter of fact.  I much prefer to go in person to do my shopping, look around, touch, smelling, wondering, and of course make that impulsive buy. Am I the only one to feel this way? For me the satisfaction is totally on a different level all together when I go to a shop in person.

The other thing I must mention is, I kind of see with my hands as well, I must touch when I am buying, especially crafty things. I hate when I see signs  saying “do not touch” I don’t, most of the time, but I have to just touch at least with the tip of my finger, just to make sure I can see it properly.  We lack on good yarn, fabric/crafts shops here in central London. I know a few shops, but are too far for me to pop in as often as I would like.

So, during my holiday, back in July & August 2013 I had a blast visiting and shopping from most of the craft shops around the places where I was, ( Sao Paulo, Curitiba- Brazil ) I had so much fun and did lots of spending too. I even managed to attend a few crochet workshops, which was a great bonus.

Lots and lots magazines… crochet ones, patchwork and appliqué, doll making.

Another passion of mine is hand made dolls, lots of happy memories from my childhood. I made some dolls already, I will share with you soon. 

Patchwork appliqué, lots and lots of ideas.

First workshop projects a rug

Another rug, all these projects are in the box under my bed at the moment waiting for me to finish them, from time to time I will do a bit of work on them just not to forget the stitches, and then they go back into the box again, until I have the chance to finish them of.

A cotton bed throw sample from another workshop  

Another sample for a different bed throw

And I had to bring with me all the cotton tread for the throw I'm planing to do.

Of course I had to buy some beautiful, vibrant cotton treads as well.

Love these colours 

Just few fabrics, I couldn't resist 

And few happy moments from my holiday, newborn baby monkeys coming for a snack by the veranda, super cute

Here is the mummy monkey with her newborn baby's on her back 

Lots of my fave fruits

Beautiful sunset in front of the house


Hope you enjoyed this long post, as you can see I will have allot going on in terms of crochet for years to come,I will keep you posted.

I would like to wish you all a blessed New Year, and may all your dreams come through.
Warm hugs.

Saturday, 28 December 2013

Another Fun Day Sewing...

Hello my friends hope you are doing just great, and had a wonderful Christmas with your loved ones.
Last Saturday I went for another fun day, down to Sussex for some sewing.
I have been working on my UFO (Un Finished Objects). As  mentioned on my last post, I am doing my best to finish some of my old patchwork quilt projects that have been in a box under my bed for a good year or so.
Of course I am thinking on doing new projects, that is on my long wish list for the New Year.

So... I made my way to my class and took my crochet with me for that hour journey on the train, doing a shawl. 

Christmas feel in the class...

This is a quilt project for a monthly class that Janet is working on at the moment. Love the colours she's using.
Have a look at Janet's website link >>here<<, just in case you like to treat yourself with something beautiful from her site, or even better if you can do one of her workshops.

Little, tiny squares

Made this super cute mini blanket or table runner.

Working hard...

Here it's how the final block looks like.

Happy shopping... hard to control my self every time I'm there.

This is one of my Amaryllis that I planted four weeks ago, just bloomed, beautiful. I have another three waiting to flower.

Hope you are working on something you love. I am taking things slow here, enjoying my Christmas break from work and recharging the "batteries", catching up with my neglected blog, making plans for future projects, and lots of green tea throughout the day and at night as well,just perfect.
Take care my friends, will be back soon, with another post for you.

Monday, 11 November 2013

My Weekend...

Hello my friends. Hope you are all doing great today.

I had a wonderful weekend, being creative with my sewing.
You may know already that I do love doing other craft things alongside my crochet, and one of them is patchwork. So this weekend I went for a class, it's  bit of a journey from my house, but I did it with a smile on my face.

I've known Janet, as my friend and teacher since 2008, when I first started learning with her, the art of patchwork and quilting, back then I used to go every 4 week, but these days I can only do an occasional class. I think may be almost a year since the last time I went for a class. So this weekend I went for a day of hardcore sewing (10.00 am to 4.00 pm) to catch up with my UFO (Un Finished Objects).

It’s almost an hour train journey, all the way to Sussex., and I took my crochet with me to keep me company.

Lunch Break now… it has been a very productive morning, and I can see a light at the end of the tunnel.

I took with me two unfinished bed throw that have been in the box for a good year or so. I would love to finish them this year, if I work hard. I will try.

Myself and Janet, having fun.

Sometimes I get distracted with all these gorgeous fabrics all around me, and I wonder about new projects. I can’t help though.

I will leave the link of Janet’s website >> here <<, make sure you go there and have a good look around, you may like to treat yourself with something from her site.
I have lots to sew if I want to finish the bed throws by the end of this year. Wish me luck.

Have a lovely creative week my friends.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013


OMG… I can’t believe what I have in front of me this evening. As I opened the box, my heart almost stopped and I had tears in my eyes, OMG… again. I may not make any sense in this post out of excitement and happiness, but just bear with me.

My Dear friend Fatima from the blog >> lavores << made me the most wonderful surprise by sending me one of her beautiful work. You can see >>here<< the post about this rug. I love Fatima’s Babette blanket so much that I made an attempt to do one, and didn't go well. You can check my attempt >>here<<.

I don’t have no words to thank you my Dear friend Fatima for your kindness and heart felt gesture, what can I say...  you made my year.
I will for sure treasure your gift, but most importantly I will treasure your friendship.
For now it’s in my seating room, so I can be looking at it all the time when I’m crocheting.

Love the magazines as well, lots of beautiful flowers patterns. Now I need to get the hang of reading the instructions (working on that).

Just a quick post to say hello and share. Hope you are all doing great.
Be happy.

Monday, 30 September 2013

Yarn Bombing...

Hi there my friends. How are you today?
Since I heard about yarn bombing not long ago, I was fascinated by this amazing creative idea, and from time to time I wonder about yarn bombing things around me, on the street, at work, parks, even at home.

So, I took my summer holiday as an excuse to yarn bomb my suitcases, It was just the perfect opportunity for me to give it a go at yarn bombing something. I confess that it was a great fun doing this very easy, and quick project.

 Have a look at the end result.

Lovely don’t you think? I love it for sure.
What do you think about yarn bombing? Let me know your thoughts on the comments.
Happy crafting.

Saturday, 14 September 2013

New Blanket on the Making...

Hello my friends, hope everything is great with you.
With the leftover yarn from my last completed project I am doing another blanket for my son as promised. I decided to do something similar my last blanket (the Babette), but not quit the same, just in case the same disaster happens again. ( I had lots of trouble to join them strait).

I’m going for the same solid granny squares though, and the same size squares (four rounds plus the join colour), and I hope this time around the blanket will be nice and strait.
Here’s where I am so far, not much, started this week, doing one or two squares in the evening after coming from work. I Think is going quit quickly so far. I will do my best to be ready before the winter arrives here with his full power, fingers cross it will be ready by then. 

It's all for now. Have a wonderful weekend and a very creative week as well.
I will keep you posted about my progress on the blanket.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Yarndale Bounties...

How are you doing my friends from this vast and wonderful blog land?
A quick post today to share my contributions to Yarndale.
I am sure you all know Lucy from the blog Attic24 and if you don’t have a look at this post here were she explains everything about Yarndale bounties.
I have sent my parcel before going on holiday back in July. I’m sure by now it is in her hands; the bounties that I made especially for her. 

I wish all the success to Lucy on the D day.
Have a great week.